Port of Lisbon achieved a new record of cruise passengers

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 - 13:03 by lisbon

In 2012, with 522 604 cruise passengers, the port of Lisbon achieved a new record in cruise traffic, representing a growth of 4% comparing to the 502 644 tourists accounted in 2011.
The growth of 6% of transit passengers – which increased from 453 280 to 478 598 –, was the key factor in expanding the total number of passengers.
In terms of calls the year 2012 was not so promising it was accounted a total of 314 calls. Should be noted that, during 2012, the cruise activities in the port of Lisbon were affected by the several strikes that led to the cancellation of a total of 17 calls, which would represent around 25 thousand passengers.
Additionally, and still regarding to the overall calls, the 314 were held by 119 cruise ships, which is also a new record since it is the highest number of vessels ever calling the Port of Lisbon in one year.
It should also be noted that in 2012, the Port of Lisbon received 12 vessels in first call, of which 3 were new and came directly from shipyard during the year 2012, which reinforces the growing importance that the port of Lisbon has assumed in the routes planning of the new ships from several cruise operators.
Note also that, the crew members of ships which visited Lisbon in 2012 totaled 211,546, representing over 4% compared to the 202,908 recorded in 2011.
Given the above it was concluded that cruise activity at the Port of Lisbon resisted one of the leading adversities that marked the year 2012 - the economic situation - and has even recorded an overall growth.
In 2013, given the announced calls so far, it is expected the cruise activity grow once again. If the current forecasts are confirmed - 364 scales and 564 thousand passengers - Lisbon will continue to keep up the good performance of recent years, registering high rates of growth.
Port of Lisbon achieved a new record of cruise passengers
Lisbon achieved a new record of cruise passengers (c) Port of Lisbon

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